Whether you’re looking for the latest clips from The Daily Show, news about the possibility of Greece leaving the Eurozone, or highlights from today’s Panthers game against the Canadiens, it can be hard to sift through all the great videos, articles and more out there to find what interests you. Now, if you search on Google on your mobile, you’ll see the freshest, most relevant content from within a single website grouped together in one easy-to-scan place.
When you search for a topic, just scroll down to see a "carousel" of recent articles, videos or more on that subject. Tap any link to read or watch exactly what you’re interested in. For example, if you search for NPR, you’ll see links to all their latest articles and videos. Search for the Knicks to browse content from their site as well as videos and news from ESPN or Bleacher Report. (If you don’t see this new feature yet when you search for your favorite site, stay tuned—we’ll be making this available for more sites soon.)
Finally, whether you’re watching the Academy Awards live on ABC this Sunday or prefer to catch up after the ceremony, we’ve got you covered. Search for the Oscars in the Google app and you’ll find everything you need, from acceptance speeches to behind-the-scenes moments, to go into your Monday morning meetings prepared to gossip.

Posted by Ardan Arac, Product Manager, Search